Scheduling Cost Details

To schedule the cost details for a training program:

  1. On the PW Admin menu, under Training, click Training admin.

The Training Admin page appears.

  1. Click Manage schedule.

The Manage Schedule page appears.

  1. On the list of program names, in the Costing column, click Costing to schedule the cost details for the corresponding training.

The Schedule Cost Detail dialog box appears.

  1. In the Previous schedule drop-down box, select the previously added schedule from which you can copy the costing details.

  2. In the Costing categories section, enter the planned and actual cost corresponding to each cost parameter.

  3. Click Save.

Note1:             To exit without saving, click Cancel.

Note2:             In the
Feedback column, click Feedback for testing to view the feedback questions for the corresponding training program.



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